Serving our community with needed programs--Weatherization

Serving our youth with inspirational programs--Project Discovery

Enabling our elderly to serve our community--RSVP and Senior Companion Programs

Clinch Valley Community Action has been located in Tazewell County since 1965.  But our programs and services have extended even beyond those borders as we continue our legacy of helping people help themselves.  Our dedicated employees work diligently to ensure not only that CVCA’s services are delivered, but that our community is a better place to live.  Explore our website to see what is available, but more importantly, call or visit with our people so we can help you succeed in your future.

Vision Statement:  Clinch Valley Community Action casts a vision for safe and prosperous communities, strong and nurturing families, and productive and independent citizens.

Mission Statement:  Clinch Valley Community Action, Inc. provides resources and opportunities to individuals, families, and communities in a supportive environment to improve the quality of life.  Clinch Valley Community Action treats each individual with respect and dignity in a professional manner.

Promise Statement:  Community Action changes people’s lives, embodies the spirit of hope, improves communities, and makes America a better place to live.  We care about the entire community, and we are dedicated to helping people help themselves and each other.


This website is supported by Grant Numbers 03CH012969, 03CH012439, and 03CH012295 from the Office of Head Start within the Administration for Children and Families, a division of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Neither the Administration for Children and Families nor any of its components operate, control, are responsible for, or necessarily endorse this website (including, without limitation, its content, technical infrastructure, and policies, and any services or tools provided). The opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressed are those of Clinch Valley Community Action  and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Administration for Children and Families and the Office of Head Start.

CVCA Events and Happenings

Want to learn more about Head Start/ Early Head Start?  Click below for an informative video.

Please help welcome Crystal Tinsley to our CVCA Team!

Crystal is our new Center Aide/ Bus Driver at our Apache Run Center.

Welcome Crystal!

We look forward to working with you!

Please help welcome Sonya Shupe to our CVCA Team!

Sonya is our new Teacher at the McCready Center.

Welcome Sonya!

We look forward to working with you!

CVCA Employment
CVCA's RSVP reports November numbers showing the value of our volunteers

Become a Volunteer-Make a Difference!


  1.  Capture and document October 2024 RSVP service categories and hours for Buchanan, Russell and Tazewell Counties.
  2. Monitor Performance Measures, update volunteers in status no hours, and update volunteers in services categories 4/1/24 – 3/31/25.
  3. Continue collecting food pantry, transportation and independent living/companionship surveys.


  1. All volunteer information captured, documented and created in a report format.
  2. Staff are contacting volunteers and visiting volunteer stations on a frequent basis. Client survey processes continues.
  3. Collect Food Pantry Surveys


  1. 6,428 Total Hours
  2. 223 total Serving Volunteers for month
  3. Performance measurements/goals for 4/1/2024 – 3/31/25:
      • 148 (66%) Volunteers in performance measured activities for current month:
      • 3,664 (57%) hours in Independent Living (in-home) services such as providing transportation, meals, light housekeeping, small home repairs, companionship, socialization, food pantry support and safety checks;
      • In assisting Veteran’s and Veteran family member;
      • In disaster preparedness;
      • VITA, and in capacity building (in-kind solicitation and fundraising) for local non-profit service agencies.
      • 24 new volunteers in 2024-2025.
  1. 26 volunteers lost in 2024-2025
      • 3 deceased.
      • 0 moved or in a skilled environment as a resident.
      • 13 health issues with volunteer or family.
      • 10 no contact, lack of interest, or other inability to serve.


In the month of November, Elk Garden School Community Ministry held their annual Christmas Sale. This sale lasted three days and raised $1,850! The proceeds of this sale will be used to purchase Holiday Hams for the Food Pantry clients for Christmas. Seven of our AmeriCorps Seniors RSVP volunteers assisted with this sale! AmeriCorps Seniors RSVP volunteers at CVCA continue to give over and over again!

Drug and Alcohol Screening Services

CVCA has trained staff that can provide Pre-employment, Random, Post-Accident, and Reasonable Cause screenings at your business or at our office.

New Drug Screening Brochure


Project Discovery Applications

Applications are being taken for Project Discovery.  Access the application by clicking here.

Check out The Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program

The Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program provides decent, affordable housing to very low- to low-income individuals and families, including people with disabilities and senior citizens.

Vouchers are distributed through Virginia Housing. in partnership with local housing agency partners. Vouchers allow qualifying prospective tenants to select from a wider range of housing options, as opposed to being limited to designated housing projects. The tenant pays the landlord a percentage of their monthly income towards the rent, with the voucher subsidizing the remainder.

What families are eligible?
Prospective tenants often represent the diversity of your local community. They may be individuals, families and people with disabilities or senior citizens. They tend to be very highly-motivated renters who pay rent in a timely manner and maintain the property.



Family Crisis Services accepting volunteers

We are looking for energetic, dependable and self-motivated individuals to serve as Volunteer Advocates!  Advocates provide support, access resources, and offer encouragement to survivors of sexual and intimate partner violence. These tasks require empathy, confidentiality, and emotional maturity.  Volunteers should also be able to handle crisis situations, display a responsible work ethic and work well in a trauma-informed, healing-centered & survivor-focused environment.

  • Volunteers are needed in the following areas:Shelter coverage
  • Respond to hotline calls
  • Provide child care in the shelter
  • Emergency services – transportation, legal advocates, hospital/law enforcement companions
  • Office support
  • Assist with public awareness events & fundraisers

For more information, please contact our office at (276) 988-5583, ext. 301.

Accepting New Senior Companion Volunteers

“I am needed and I help my clients stay independent in their home…where they want to stay” — This is often said by volunteer companions with the Senior Companion Program.

Read More

Single Family Housing Repair Loan & Grant Pilot

What does this program do?

Also known as the Section 504 Home Repair program, this provides loans to verylowincome homeowners to repair, improve, or modernize their homes or provides grants to elderly verylowincome homeowners to remove health and safety hazards.

For Additional Questions or an Application, Contact Sandra Corell at 276-988-5583, ext 348 or email at

Click here for more info.

RSVP Feature with Serve Virginia

CVCA has been an AmeriCorps Seniors RSVP (Retired & Senior Volunteer Program) site for more than fifty years, coordinating volunteers to serve on-site at food pantries across Tazewell, Russell, and Buchanan counties as well as helping support the thrift stores that accompany some of the food pantries.

Click here for the full article.

CVCA Weatherization introduces TakeCharge from Appalachian Power

About Appalachian Power

Appalachian Power serves about 1 million customers in West Virginia, Virginia and Tennessee. Its headquarters is in Charleston, W.Va. with regulatory and external affairs offices in both Charleston, W.Va. and Richmond, Va. Appalachian Power is part of the American Electric Power system, one of the largest electric utilities in the United States, delivering electricity to more than 5 million customers in 11 states. AEP ranks among the nation’s largest generators of electricity, owning nearly 32,000 megawatts of generating capacity in the U.S. AEP also owns the nation’s largest electricity transmission system, a nearly 39,000-mile network that includes more 765 kilovolt extra-high voltage transmission lines than all other U.S. transmission systems combined. AEP’s transmission system directly or indirectly serves about 10 percent of the electricity demand in the Eastern Interconnection, the interconnected transmission system that covers 38 eastern and central U.S. states and eastern Canada, and approximately 11 percent of the electricity demand in ERCOT, the transmission system that covers much of Texas. AEP’s utility units operate as AEP Ohio, AEP Texas, Appalachian Power (in Virginia and West Virginia), AEP Appalachian Power (in Tennessee), Indiana Michigan Power, Kentucky Power, Public Service Company of Oklahoma and Southwestern Electric Power Company (in Arkansas, Louisiana and east Texas). AEP’s headquarters are in Columbus, Ohio. For more information, see our corporate website,

About TakeCharge

TakeCharge Virginia is Appalachian Power’s way of bringing its energy efficiency programs together in one convenient place, offering free assessments, incentive programs and rebates for your home or business. These programs let you TakeCharge of your energy use.

The Virginia Community Action Partnership (VACAP) is pleased to announce a $20,000 grant to the CVCA Vita Program

Richmond, VA – The Virginia Community Action Partnership (VACAP) is pleased to announce that $485,725 has been awarded to 19 coalitions across Virginia to provide free income tax preparation services under the Internal Revenue Service Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program. The VACAP program, called the Virginia CASH Campaign, provides opportunities for taxpayers to file both federal and state tax returns, claim valuable tax credits like the federal Child Tax Credit (CTC) and both the federal and state Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and link taxpayers with financial empowerment opportunities.

Click Here for more details

CVCA reflects on November Board Reports for the AmeriCorps Senior Companion Programs.

Become a Volunteer-Make a Difference!


  1. Adjust schedules, clients and hours per need.
  2. Continue Marketing for new volunteers.
  3. Plan volunteer hours and travel for 2024-2025.


  1. Schedules and hours adjusted to reflect current budget. Program year and budget covers 7/1/2024 – 6/30/2025.
  2. Companion In-Services scheduled for July – December.
  3. Training continues for new grant guidelines.


  1. 11 Unduplicated SCP Volunteers with Hours. Current program year for reporting 7/1/2024 – 6/30/2025.
  2. 18 Clients Served with 1,680 hours.
      • Independent (In-Home and Safety Calling) Services: 10 companions/15 clients and 1,506 hours.
      • Respite Services: 1 companion / 1 client (caregivers are the clients) with 92 hours.
      • Other (Assisted Living Facilities): 1 companion/2 clients and 92 hours.
      • Training – 0
      • $20,160 in value at minimum wage.
      • YTD: 12 vol., 19 clients, 9,544 hours @ $114,528 in minimum wage value and $318,578.72 at 2023 Virginia Value of Volunteer Rate ($33.38 per hour) 7/1/24 – 6/30/25.

We will be training a new Senior Companion in Buchanan County within the next month!

CVCA Head Start is accepting bids for the installation of chain link fencing

The Clinch Valley Community Action Head Start program will be accepting bids for the installation of chain link fencing at its Tazewell Head Start location (374 Carline Avenue).  The area to be fenced is approximately 40 ft. by 40 ft., must include both top and bottom rails, and must include one single gate and one double gate. For additional information or to arrange a site visit contact Robin Boyd at 276-988-5583 x338.

Federal funds will be used for this purchase; contractor must comply with Davis Bacon Act regulations.  Insurance documentation must be provided.  Minority and female owned businesses are encouraged to bid.  Please submit quotes marked TAZEWELL PLAYGROUND FENCE to Robin Boyd, Executive Director; Clinch Valley Community Action; PO Box 188; North Tazewell, VA 24630 or by noon on December 13, 2024.  Review of quotes will begin at this time.  Clinch Valley Community Action reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids.

Clinch Valley Community Action is excited to announce the program facilities that are participating in the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP)
Project Discovery orientation with parents

Click here for more info.

Another successful year for the CVCA Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Program

May 2024


Returns E-Filed—-613

Returns Paper Filed—-4

Prior Year Returns—-4

Total Tax Returns Filed—-621

Total Amount in Refunds—-$804,255

Average Refund—-$1,295

Total Tax Prep Savings ($250/return)—-$155,250

Total Earned Income Credits—-$272,998

Average Earned Income Credit—-$1,655

Total Child Tax Credit—-$91,765

Average Child Tax Credit—-$1,257

Total Additional Child Tax Credit—-$98,548

Average Additional Child Tax Credit—-$1,589

Total CTC and ACTC—-$190,313

Average Adjusted Gross Income—-$27,595


Total Returns Filed—-539

Total Refunds—-$168,206


2024 CVCA Dashboard