Rental Prevention Program

The Rental Prevention Program, authorized by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Virginia, seeks to prevent the displacement of individuals and families from their homes as a result of eviction, assist homeless individuals and families in securing permanent housing and provide training and education component to ensure self-sufficiency.

In order to be eligible for assistance through the Rental Prevention Program, applicants must meet all of the following criteria:

·         Application in permanent housing must be in imminent danger of losing their home or apartment through eviction.

·         Applicants in temporary housing must be in imminent danger of displacement.

·         Applicants must be in a TEMPORARY FINANCIAL CRISIS due to an UNAVOIDABLE circumstance such as a temporary illness, job layoff, loss of day care or transportation for employment, delay in approval of benefits, homelessness or domestic violence.

·         All applicants must have been Self-Sufficient prior to their crisis and the crisis must not be chronic.

·         Applicants total annual income cannot exceed the HUD mandated lower income limits in the area they reside.

·         Applicants must have exhausted their own resources and all other available.

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